portraits // alicia. stubbs park, centerville ohio | dayton ohio portrait photography


two years ago, we donned our caps and gowns and walked down the aisle to pomp and circumstance.  with a class of 22 young adults(you might be a homeschooler if...)  the air conditioner had broken, we were dripping sweat, a giant hairy bug crawled up our seats while we were sitting on stage in front of 500+ people and we didn't even scream. 

she's sweet, quiet, crazy, daring, driven, a lovely friend, and so incredibly gorgeous i want to die.

her name is alicia.  but i think she's secretly ariel the mermaid.

and if any of you guys out there are staring, sorry.  she's quite taken.

2 thoughts on “portraits // alicia. stubbs park, centerville ohio | dayton ohio portrait photography

  1. ohhhhh my goodness.
    these are so great, sarah.
    what on earth. really beautiful. :)

  2. beautiful shots. so good. anddd I want her hair please.
